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About me
My name is Yewhao, 18 since 30june :D
How i treat ppl will depends on how they treat me. I like to play a lot of games xD e.g dota, maple. My favourite games will be FINAL FANTASY.I am the anything guy, cause i says anything to most of the questions unless I really hate it or they force me to answer it. =D
Republic Poly.

-True friends
-Nice stuffs
-Fun games(RPG)

-Irrating games
-Very good "actors"


tag me xD


5HONESTY| Austin| JianHong| Joanne| LiangZi| LiYue| Nuraisah| Raymond| Shanen| Shawn| Valerie|
4/3| Anling| Celeste| Dionne| Evi| Izzati| Jason| Jinghui| Johnathon| SweeSoon| WenJie| YingJie|
AiTing| Jaslyn| JinZhu| Juliani| TeeHou| Terence|
Biyuan| Cassandra| Ezabel| Duan| Faizoul| Farhan| Jenn| Jessie| Nigel|
ShiLei| Valentine|
JCG| Bo| Brenda| Brenda| Eda| Jared| Juila| Kai| LuLu|
Bryan| Cheryl| PeiShi|
Cristina| Glenda| ZhenZhen|
The Girls
Eileen| HuiXian| Kimberley| Serene| WanTing| YanYa|

Looking Back

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 • 8:23 PM
Ok, todays feels like a long day. Facing the turtle for like dunno? 8hours? At least it moves fast now i guess...... ok enough about the turtle. Something happened today, but i'm not gona talk about it cause i dun even know wat excatly happen.... its like, e person suddenly give me attitude for no reason or smth. I did'nt know i start offending people without doing anything now. Haiz, nvm at least at the end of the day, all SEEMS to be fine and i truely hoped so. If I really DID anything that made u mad, i am sorry ok?
Sunday, May 3, 2009 • 4:32 PM
ok ._. i am werid............
I have strange dreams >.<
Well, the dream goes like this...
I was in cab going home and i saw dark clouds in the sky O.o
When i reached, i saw 3 dragons in the sky making a tonardo( i know is very random -.-)
I saw it, i ran back to my house but it seem i run very very slow ._.
Ok, finally reached my house.(at least i though so)
I was at a house, glass at the 2 sides which can see outside and there were some ppl with me.
Suddenly some monster walk by, and freeze and walk and freeze and walk, everyone was like hiding the head behind the chair or something hoping that it doesnt notices us.
But the monster walk pass and come back walk past and come back.
Sudden, it talk ._.(Wow, i know) i was scared it kill me with some stupid power.
It said, "hahahah, i know u are scared, suckers."...... i was like "wth?"
After it really went away, i walked out of the room, i was like at a auditorium, very big.
As i was walking, i tried calling lsw, gck(lol, i dunno why these 2)
I called lsw and he didnt ans (pain a ass._.) and i call gck and he answer but theres no sound(dam irrating)
In the end, i sat outside a cafe somewhere near.
It was then like monsters all around(-.- its dam fantasy la)
There was like a voice from the monsters( i think their boss talk or smth but i forget talk wat)
After the speech, everybody freeze too scared to move.
After a while, the monster talked again.
It said, "feel free to eat, i need my slaves to have energy to work."
I was like "...."
I went back to my real house this time.
A monster suddenly came out of no where.
It tried to attack me(i think)
then suddenly, another monster came out of a dimension hole(i think, O.o)
It killed the monster that try to attack me.
I was like "wow, nice."

-The End-

LOL, very random and werid dream right -.- The dream was actually quite long, i cant really describe it in words. X.X
• 1:41 PM
Hmmm... about my game progress....


Gona take about a week or two to complete it.